Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I beleive that media is very important in my life. Everyone uses at least some sort of media everyday. And for the most part, it is good.

Television is the form of media that I feel most passionate about.

TV is great and there is not much else to say about it.

My thoughts on modern pop culture is that its mostly pretty stupid, but the new technology that helps us communicate is pretty cool, except for like twitter. I primarily use the media for entertainement.

The form of media that I have the strongest connection too is television, and the show that means the most to me in The Simpsons probably because I grew up watching it.
It taught me everything I know. I don't know what I would be without it. Probably very lame.


  1. Wowza Gharekfan115, got some pretty good points there. Can't ever go worong with the Simps.
